Khmer Rouge regime (1975 - 1979)

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It could be considered as the most miserable and darkest time of Cambodian history. CPK continued carrying out inappropriate policies of ending the entire urban population into the countryside to work as farmers.

Due to the lack of food, working tools and medical care, thousands people died of famine and diseases. The new government sought to completely restructure Cambodian society. Remains of the old society were abolished and religion, particularly Buddhism and Catholicism, was suppressed.

People’ lives in Khmer Rouge regime were painful and miserable. Government carried out strict and brutal policies which led to the death of 1.2 million people from 1975 to 1979 in which hundreds of thousands of people were executed brutally by the Khmer Rouge regime. At this time, Cambodian’s relationship with Vietnam and Thailand got worse due to the political conflict between Cambodia – China with Vietnam – Soviet Union.

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